[Serious] What is your life story?

Born in Massachusetts, went to school. I will brag a little and say that I had great friends, and, according to the guys at school, I had a pretty good set of boobs and a good butt. People asked me to prom. I said yes to one, In Junior year, 2 years later I caught him kissing my best friend. I stress ate. Got a little pudgy. My grandfather died. Got a little bigger.

Then my entire direct family was killed in a car accident on the way home from the store, a few days after my 18th birthday. As the only heir, I inherited millions, and the house. When I learned, I stress ate for like 12 hours.

Come some average health class day, a few months later, we took a BMI test. I was "Morbidly Obese" Then comes graduation rehearsal. 275 me broke a chair when I sat down on the stage. I ran away when everyone laughed at me. I didn't return to school.

By 19 I gave up on weight loss.

20 years old, my indirect family disowns me for learning I was "too fat"

21 years old, I was able to drink, just got fatter.

23, became unable to move. Confined to bed from then to present.

24, got a second heart added to my body, after complications with my first one, in a new type of transplant of the heart. I am now able to pump blood efficiently through my body.

Present day, I gave up on maintaining my weight, and have decided that since I am now unable to move, I might as well just keep gaining.

I live with 5 people. 1 friend who weighs 450 lbs, and we live with 4 men, 3 care for me, and one cares for her. Since I weigh more at 617 lbs (as of last year) and require more attention from the attendants. I eat too much, obviously, raking in tens of thousands of calories daily.

My family found out about my bisexuality somehow, and they learned that I sometimes have sexy time with my friend, and we keep each other warm and happy at night, since I have expanded too much for my old blankets.

I was thinking earlier, about how the things that were so attractive about me in high school have only grown. My breasts are now Zs, and span and sprawl across my belly, and my butt is massive, but not very noticeable as I have sat on it for the last 2 years. My thighs, once toned and muscled are now so massive that they have begun to roll off my bed, and they ripped my last and biggest pair of leggings yesterday. My gut is so huge that it ripped my last fitting sweatshirt. Meaning I am now only in a bra, and have given up on buying new clothes, as custom plus size clothes are expensive, and that money could go to food. Luckily, I have no neck fat, so no Sleep Apnea

I eat rich, delicious foods all day, leading to my only remorse in this lifestyle. When African children are crying of hunger, I am stuffing my face with more than enough food to feed an African village in just 6 hours.

The main issue is, I am no longer depressed, but I will admit freely and truthfully that I am so addicted to food that I can't stop anymore. I tried dieting many times. Every time, I would scream and cry instantly, because I was starving and shocked at the change from a diet of tens of thousands of calories to just 1500. So every time, I ended up gobbling down cheeseburgers to forget about the day's shortcomings. I am still like this, except that I accept that dieting is useless to me now that I am so addicted. I have come to a point where I no longer weep at not having the small body I did in high school. I now orgasm at the sight of my body covering two king size beds, with my best friend on the third, always ready to talk.

Holidays are a pretty casual affair. We will each buy each other a gift, and glut ourselves to Christmas treats like cookies and cake. Last year we each got each other the same gifts. Ceiling mounted screens, and text to speech programs. I also got her a mattress with a toilet in it (I already have one) so last year was jovial I guess. Lots of eggnog.

Anyway, I will delete this soon, as I am a shy girl, but I will answer any questions until then.

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