[Serious]What's the creepiest, most unexplained thing that you've ever witnessed?

I was in junior high. I had this friend, I'll call her, C. C was different she wore makeup then, she had ripped jeans, and she openly smoked pot and that was something was was new to my conservative high school.

Well as I got to know C more and more there were some real odd things said but the weirdest of which was when she once told me, sober and serious her and her boyfriend at the time bonded because they had demons in them. Well at the time I was like alright weird and not real but okay, sure, if you think that.

Sometimes she'd bring it up; not a lot. But every time her stories were so outlandish that I, even being that naive and young, couldn't take them seriously.

Then there was this one day.

Well my school instead of letting students roam corralled us into the gym on the bleachers from around 7-8 depending. Most days I got there at 7:45 but I got there twenty minutes early that day. Which was rare.

Normally I had to kind of seek out friends because we could move about but that day there was C, sitting by herself...staring into the distance. She had this look...I really cannot forget it. It seemed like pure rage. I honestly have not seen that look repeat, even in our friendship years later. It just simply...I knew something was real off.

But I went up to her. I asked her, "Hey....are you alright?"


"Hey...C...are you okay?"

Nothing. She didn't even speak. She just stared past herself into nothing.

"Hey!" I said again,"Is something wrong?"


The more and more of our group that came the more and more she withdrew. Finally someone else had pestered her so badly she just turned. And I mean...a full on like Linda Blair creepy turn of the head. Slow. Her gaze...was...it was as if her eyes were dead but at the same time her anger was so alive.

"C isn't here...C's gone..."

Alright she's sleep walking or something, right?!

The entire day it went on. I wish this could be chalked up to a sick joke or some mental issue. The thing is she has never had a period like this before or again. While I realize this fully could be some sort of dissociative issue on her end just at the time. It was bizarre.

Mid way through the day she took three friends aside, well me and two, and told us that if we talked to her any more she'd kill us because C was never coming back and she hated everything that made her humanly body happy.

We were in a state where the winters SUCKED. Just...two feet of snow. Well after that day, truly after the mid-day interaction we all noped out although we watched her a lot since most of us were in the same class, there was a couple day winter freak storm break.

She calls me the night before we go back to school and I ask her, "Do you remember a couple days ago?" "No what happened?!" "Man you said there was a demon in you, what was that?!"

Well she said it happened every so often but especially after she left the school for a move, it's never happened. Like I said, I realize there might be a host of mental issues that could cause that for various reasons and I truly wish I could make something like that up but I couldn't. It was the single most odd experience of my life and everyone else involved. Just...wow.

/r/AskReddit Thread