[Serious]What's a moment you feel is completely correct to cry tears for?

In my pre-Baltimore hometown? Video games and being a recluse. I was pretty good at sports but that only counted for so much. Guiltily; other kids got more shit than me because they were less attractive. Turns out even in the dumps being alright-looking and athletic gets you by, not that I'm proud of it. I feel bad for the kids that were just targets coz they carried a bit of weight or whatever. They got it the worst. (I kept my orientation completely to myself though, that would've certainly made me prime target)

I drove through st. louis on a Denver to Balitmore drive, it was alright, but I'd surely visit Baltimore or DC over it thanks to the coast and some nice seafood. Seemed a nice city though, I'm sure you'd have a good time.

We do take our crab cakes seriously here, though you gotta get out of the tourist traps to get anything that really scores good. Little Italy always works. I've gotten the most massive crab cakes I've ever seen there

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