[Serious] What's something no one can ever change your mind about?

Not really. I just grew up heavily indoctrinated in the baptist church beliefs and with an abusive father who didn't want anyone to have any autonomy at all, like he lost his shit when Mom wanted to have a job, and my grandmother took me for my driver's license test in secret when I turned 18. Eventually I started talking online to a woman who lived on the other side of the country. We met briefly where I lived in San Diego, and by this point I become quite adept at hiding my car keys from dad and hot-wiring his car when he'd still block me in which in hindsight I'm pretty sure scenarios like that don't even get dreamed of when a dysfunctional family is described so I already had built up a habit of just disappearing for days, eventually she invited me to move out her way so I did right then and there and once I was completely on my own out of that mess first other family members started following my lead but also I got actual exposure to the world and understood pretty quickly everything I thought I understood was bullshit and had to rebuild my entire belief/philosophy system from scratch.

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