[Serious] What's the strongest opinion you've ever held that you changed your position on? What happened?

I know a couple of women who don't know how to properly break off a relationship in a healthy way, so they always end up cheated on their boyfriends as a way to wipe the slate clean.

Sleeping with your SO after cheating is a garbage thing to do. Exposing them to whatever STD's you're putting yourself at risk to is a garbage thing to do. Not telling your SO immediately before or afterwards is a garbage thing to do (even if you decide you made a "mistake" afterwards because you have a shred of empathy left lol). Trying to manipulate your partner into staying with you after you cheated is a garbage thing to do.

Because of these reasons, cheating really is just black and white if you're not a selfish person. My wife and I have a rule: If either of us ever becomes unhappy in the relationship and are entertaining the thought of sleeping with someone else, we'll bring it up and talk openly about it. If we feel like we can't solve the root problems, then we both know the best solution is to divorce and move on with our lives. It's just basic common courtesy.

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