Seriously though, can we stop calling it the "Bronze to GM Challenge"

I started maining Mercy because it seemed that for solo queuing that was the best way to make a difference. But oh so often the DPS just can't kill anything. If I switched to DPS, which I occasionally do, they start dying but now we're down a healer and often times the rest of the DPS are too skittish to push forward into the gap.

Last night I was on Mercy. Control Point, Lijiang. There was an atrocious first round. The other team just didn't die. Gold kills was 3, as one of the DPS freely said. I said that since we're not getting kills people need to switch it up to someone they can be effective with. We need kills. One of the abrasive people said in chat, "then show me". So I did. I switched to Junkrat. Need to take out a tightly clumped group in a small area? Junk is your man.

After one minute into the second round I had gold kills, objective kills, objective time, and damage. But no one else wanted to switch to a healer and the rest were still dancing far off of the point afraid to move in and still couldn't get kills. "Three are down, move in." No one pushes forward. We lost.

I made more of an impact as DPS but it still didn't matter. Sometimes no matter what you do, you're going to lose.

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