"Serves her right, she got what she wanted." regarding a woman who took in a refugee that raped and killed her.

You came at me caught in your feelings even after I set you on the right path. So, its on YOU. You didn't even have an argument you had mealy mouthed bullshit every minority who speaks about racism has heard a million times before.

Except you're still making the assumption that I'm even feeling emotional over your comment, or that your path is this righteous true path. I feel sad that you've fallen so low to have some short-term satisfaction of attacking people that have never harmed you.

I'm sad that you're so staunchly hardline with your own personal racism, that you'd assume other minorities (as myself) would fall under line with your views. And the fact you're assuming that your path is the only path to equality, it truly isn't.

I do not give a hot fuck in hell about white or white-by-proxy fragility

So being mixed race is white-by-proxy now? My experiences matter less than yours? Because I'm not fully American that my experiences with racism is somehow less equal to the ones you've faced?

compared me speaking about racism as cultural socialization to the extreme dehumanization and calls for genocide of non white people that we see in this sub.

Except you've only been saying 'all white people are racist', not 'all white people are racist and want to kill all non-white people'. As far as I've been seeing it you're using the point of this sub, to combat hatred, with using your own hatred to espouse your supposed 'right path' towards equality.

I never even once equated you to the people calling for genocide at all. I equated your racism with the typical interpersonal racism you'd see every day. The kind of prejudiced hatred that's perpetuating racism in the first place. It's plainly wrong and worrying that you'd even assume that I was equating you to the people that'd call for you death. And not once would I even say you're calling for the genocide of non-blacks, unless there's clear proof of you actually calling for it.

That's why I don't take you pulling out every tear soaked trope in the book to me seriously. Will not, can not.

All you've been doing is insulting, demeaning, and not once have had the point to politely discuss with me. All you give me is a single non-academic secondary source, and a constant finger pointing and hardline 'with or against me' that's not doing anything to convince me that you're for equality and should remain on this sub.

As it were, you're clearly not going to budge unless I become a yes man to your own bigoted, narrow-minded, highly Americentric, and highly racist worldview. I'm sad that you're so quick to judge, dismiss, and ignore my views... or are you under the assumption that I'm defending the people we deride on this subreddit?

/r/AgainstHateSubreddits Thread Parent Link - np.reddit.com