I set a date...

The worst thing for me is knowing that you I am capable and smart; I used to score 95%+ on all of my test, and depression + anxiety + self hatred got me to the point of failing everything... fucking great. I've decided not to quit. I will retake the year and finish this degree. I have also started to learn programming (since my degree is pretty useless without a MSc). And this is giving me some hope...

You are going back to college! I know it sucks when you feel like a failure. I used to think that everyone is judging me (because my classmates are 2years youger), thinking that I'm not good enough to be amongst them etc... but the reallity is: these people just care about their own fucking grades. They give 0 shit about you. Idk... I got to the point where it's either suceeding or suicide. I refuse to live like I do now.

I know it kind of sucks.... but try to give college your best try? I mean what is there to lose?

Yes, I know...easier said than done when you are crippled by depression and anxiety. :(((

/r/SanctionedSuicide Thread Parent