Settle an argument for me- is it normal to pee in the shower?

My girlfriend pee's in the shower, and i've never understood people who do it. The toilet is literally within FEET of the shower - if you know you have to pee, use the toilet first?? If you are in the shower, and realize you have to pee I don't think the 5 minute wait to step out, and go in the toilet is that terrible. Yes you can 'aim' to pee down the drain, but that doesn't eliminate the piss smell as it ungulates off the ceramic. And even spraying it down right away, ceramic cracks, and it's easy for the piss to seep in there. Plus the splashback getting all over your feet and legs, can ya'll really say you wash your feet and legs AFTER you pee in the shower?? It just seems ironic to me to empty your bladder in the facility that's designated for making you clean.

TLDR; Ya'll are animals, piss in the toilet.

/r/ask Thread