Of the seven deadly sins, which are you most guilty of?

Lust. Something spoopy that's happened to me was at my old job, when a psychic came in and her friend got her drunk so she can do readings. A server told me about her so I came over to see what she could read. She told me some pretty personal things that I haven't told one coworker or many friends, tbh. She also told me about my nymphomania ruining lots of romantic interests/potential relationships with it. She says I can't fall in love ever again. That I fall for sex. She says when it comes to love for me, my standards are too high (only had one irl bf and I broke up with him after 2 months). So my nymphomania is an issue. So yeah. Lust is def my sin. Slept with too many taken men. Ruined too many relationships. I tend to objectify some men around me in my head. I'm actually abstaining from sex right now. Haven't been fucked since just before Xmas eve. I want to be abstinent for a year, and teach myself a lesson. My dildo is definitely my best friend right now lol.

So anyway tl;dr LUST!

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