Seventh poll: Flowing Garden (WFSM) or Garden of Spiral Staircase (SoS)?

I was a bit surprised by that, too, considering the happy delirium people seemed to be in for ages over it! But I think people are also voting with an element of objectivity with regard to things like event format, cost and value, and I suppose Miku loses to some events with those, regardless of how much people love Miku and Vocaloid. I think the way this voting thing has been modelled, people are not always voting 100% with their heart. For instance, I probably love the bg from Moon and the posed hair from Flower among the most out of all my items of all time, but that alone wouldn't be enough for me to say it's the better event, especially when I consider how little I use many of the other items. (I did vote for it, but it was close between the two.) So maybe some people have Miku in their heart but still concede that they thought other events were better overall.

Anyway, it's certainly interesting hearing all of the different opinions and perspectives, including people's vastly different evaluations of suits and their versatility.

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