Severa Is A Better Written Character Than Selena

Combine that with my sheer excitement of seeing my favorite FE character return again, and I glossed over all the questions I had in my head.

Really? Because my reaction to seeing Selena in Fates (along with Laslow and Odin) was the fast growing desire to ripe the developers a new one because they blatantly copied a popular character for the sake of fanservice.

And when I found out that Selena actually IS Severa just under a fake name my reaction was the fast growing desire to ripe the developers a new one because they blatantly re-used those three characters for the sake of fanservice.

Selena seems to hold Camilla in high regards and seems to be fishing for praise towards her hard work.

Selena: Notice me sensei!

I'll be honest, what Bugs me the most about the trio is the fact that they don't do jackshit to accomplish the Mission that brought them to Fateslandia in the first place.

Anankos: Find my child. Gather the holy weapons. And save this world from my evil self.

Laslow: I'm gonna spend my time with asking ladies for a cup of tea and secretly practice dancing

Odin: I'm gonna come up with new and awesome names for my movies

Selena: I'm gonna spend my time with Shopping and challenging anyone just to prove that I'm the best.


Lilith: In hindsight, relying on their help was not one of your brightest ideas, father

/r/fireemblem Thread