Several guys I watch predicted #silversqueeze would not succeed, and they have been correct. It would be nice to see someone discussing, very rationally, why all these guys claim retail investors cannot squeeze silver and compare against the claims that there can be a silver squeeze led by retail.

The silver market actually functions more like two separate markets. One being based upon physical supply governed by the laws of market economics(supply/demand) and another based upon bankster hypothecated paper frauds(futures, options, ETFs). What most refer to as the "price of silver" is the latter. What people should be attempting, is to cause a significant and ongoing divergence between these two prices to expose the paper "spot" price as a manipulated fraud.

Draining the market of available silver bullion and keeping it drained should work to reveal the absurdity of a price based on paper bets rather than actual supply and demand of physical metal. The physical market for silver bullion is actually quite restricted as silver is both an industrial and an investment metal(money).

In 2020, for instance, worldwide supply was 978m ounces, of which 747m ounces(76%) was used up by industry. A further 335m ounces were used to create bullion to satisfy investment demand. That left a net deficit of physical silver for 2020 or roughly 104m ounces. So you see the market is actually quite tight and vulnerable to increased investment demand as neither supply nor industrial demand fluctuate very much YoY.

/r/Wallstreetsilver Thread Link -