I want to have sex but am single... also struggling with body image

I came on this subreddit looking for answers to this exact situation! I’ve also only had sex a few times, and I had to be drunk in order to go through with it. I have stretch marks on my booty that I’m super insecure about, so yeah— I made sure I was absolutely blasted so I wouldn’t be so self-conscious and shy.

Learned the hard way that drunk sex is not fun (for me) and using alcohol as a crutch just isn’t healthy at all. Don’t really have any advice for you but maybe insist on having sex with the lights off? And some people are totally fine with casual sex, but for some people I do think it’s damaging. I felt really down on myself for doing it even though there’s nothing inherently wrong with casual sex. Maybe instead of focusing on casual sex, focus on meeting someone you can trust that you can explain your insecurities to? Just my two cents! Good luck girl xx

/r/sex Thread