I want sex but when it’s time to do the do, I regress regress mentally and emotionally. Help.

PTSD is my diagnosis, but I've had such a traumatic childhood/adulthood it's nearly impossible to hit every single one of my "panic" triggers completely. EDMR isn't as effective in long-term abuse cases that have multiple types of abuse (neglect, CSA, abuse, verbal/emotional, medical) in research so this is common. A lot of my issues from prolonged abuse end up being relational (Really hard time with eye contact with anyone new, can't go any new place without someone I trust being there with me, can't respond if someone talks to me in a tone of voice). I cannot imagine the fear of being in a place like somewhere new, it doesn't trigger me to think about it because my mind won't let me imagine it. I can only dream it or experience it real time. I can't explain what a tone of voice sounds like until it happens. I can't imagine an "unsafe feeling" crowd because I can't pinpoint why I hate some crowds but don't mind others yet.

I would probably qualify for generalized anxiety/panic disorder just because there's so much but since doctors can see my severe medical history and injuries I'm almost always treated like a PTSD patient. PTSD mixed with anxiety is hard because benzos are contraindicated in PTSD but not anxiety. I actually do research in this field so there's a lot to it but yeah I just wasn't able to imagine the things that would 'trigger' me.

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