Is Sex essentially evil?


Sex is good.

Unless it's unconsensual.

Consensual sex is good.

Unless it's in public.

Private, consensual sex is good.

Unless one has a STD.

Disease-free, private, consensual sex is good.

Unless it's with the wrong person.

Cheat-free, disease-free, private, consensual sex is good.

Unless it causes your arm to go to sleep.

Comfortable, cheat-free, disease-free, private, consensual sex is good.

Unless it breaks your penis.

Injury-free, comfortable, cheat-free, disease-free, private, consensual sex is good.

Unless you use the ben-gay instead of the Wet Platinum.

Mistakeless, injury-free, comfortable, cheat-free, disease-free, private, consensual sex is good.

Unless you fall asleep mid push.

Awake, mistakeless, injury-free, comfortable, cheat-free, disease-free, private, consensual sex is good.

Unless you only do the same thing every time.

Creative, awake, mistakeless, injury-free, comfortable, cheat-free, disease-free, private, consensual sex is good.

Unless you can't continue doing the requested action.

Long -lasting, creative, awake, mistakeless, injury-free, comfortable, cheat-free, disease-free, private, consensual sex is good.

Unless it takes too long.

Not-too-long-lasting, long-lasting, creative, awake, mistakeless, injury-free, comfortable, cheat-free, disease-free, private, consensual sex is good.

Enough yet?

Yes. I'll start getting silly if I keep this up.

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