The 'sex and gender are different' theory is toxic

so, brains are sexed, yeah, with specific regards to hormones and reproductive development


have no link to the structures that expectations of ability/likes/dislikes, pink vs blue, that gender identity is associated with

That isn't what I am talking about AT ALL. And that's also not all gender identity is associated with. Gender identity in trans people is also associated with physical dysphoria, it is associated with certain gendered sexual behaviors (not sexual preferences) and other social behaviors. I'm not talking about liking pink or blue or being good at math.

here's an interesting article on the myth of innately gendered brains and how it negatively effects early childhood education

This is about assuming children will be good or bad at certain academic subject matter based on their sex. This isn't what I am talking about at all.

good example of this also is david reimer's case. he was a biological male raised as a boy during his critical period of infant brain development until a botched circumcision in which his penis was mutilated beyond repair. so, they lopped it off, forced him to undergo total SRS at 22 months old--which is absolutely inhumane and should be criminal--setting off a lifetime of trauma, sexual abuse by his doctors, and incredible dysphoria.

Doesn't this just prove that you can't socialize someone into a gender? Or are you arguing that the only reason he identified as a boy was because he was raised as one when he was a young child?

for the sake of clarification, 'gendered' is societal gender conditioning based on expectations/stereotypes/gender identity etc etc, 'sexed' is the innate biological construction

I am gathering that you are a gender critical feminist.

I personally was very aggressively raised female. I was raised female during my critical developmental years. I still identify as male, and I have since I was 3, and I was greatly punished for it. When my mother thought I had autism, but no one would diagnose me with autism, she sent me to a clinic to have me tested backwards and forwards. Some of these tests involved tests on my actual brain (fMRI and EEG) and my doctor told me and my mother that my brain was "very masculine." Note, even though I have felt like a boy since age three, this was never encouraged or allowed by my parents at all.

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