Why is sex so important?

A few weeks back, I did a day game open and pull (no bang, only got the pull) on an okay girl - 7 face, 5 body - and her friend. I was hanging out with a gym buddy after the gym for the first time, and he winged me for a bit before he had to duck out.

Next gym session, he's all over me asking how it went. I told him I got her back to my apartment, didn't fuck, she freaked out with ASD once I started escalating.

I don't consider that impressive at all. A wallhugging (32) 6, even if you close, isn't something to write home about.

I showed him the text she sent me asking to hang out. He seemed confused, even hurt, that I wasn't planning on following up on it. He's treated me like a king ever since, although he seems on the verge of autorejection at times, too.

The other men in the gym have shown me tremendously more deference since overhearing that conversation. I mean, men who are stronger than me, better looking than me, and a few, I'm sure, higher earning than me.

Why? Weak ass frames and lack of ability to self-validate. Overvaluing the pussy. I don't know. Something sad.

And a perfect example of men, even men who ought to be at least somewhat high value, granting tons of status to someone over a mediocre day game pull of a 32 year old 6. A pull they didn't even see. Christ, man. It drives me up the wall.

/r/TheRedPill Thread Parent