Sex Life on Ice

I’m sure I’m gonna get tons of down votes on this, but here goes . . . If the only issue to you getting the sex and your husband getting his self esteem back is the few extra lbs, secretly put him on a diet.

No more pop tarts and cake or whatever is in your house he likes to snack on. Replace the pop tarts, ice cream, candy, chocolate or whatever else he likes to snack on with popsicles, fruit, nuts, etc. If he doesn’t want to work out, get him to walk, even if it’s up and down the aisles of Home Depot. You get my drift. It’s easy for men his age to lose weight quickly. Just whatever you do DO NOT MENTION DIET!!

Before you do this, get him to go to the doctor to check his hormones checked out. Weight gain + feeling lethargic is usually a sign of a hormone unbalance.

/r/Marriage Thread