Sex offender selling Nazi flag is booted from Pa. county fair

the problem that i am having is that i include the muslims running sex grooming rings around the world and the christian priests who rape children put in their care as pedophiles and would like to see them treated exactly the same way as this nazi pedophile If they break the law then they should be treated the same way, and they generally are. a judge in uk actually acquitted a man who raped an underage girl because he said that he was taught that raping non muslim girls was not a crime Do you have a source on that? Because if that is true then that's a massive miscarriage of justice. you and your entire team of assholes who are riding my ass here are no where to be seen when such things happen because you are all hypocrites. You have no idea what I do and don't support, so perhaps you should find an actual example of hypocrisy before calling me a hypocrite. also explain to me the reasoning behind the 'age of consent' thing. how is the 'age' decided? is there a basis? go do some deep study and you will find it is an arbitrary thing. completely made up. like so much of the western civilisation. Age of consent is chosen based on the age at which the members of a nation consider to be able to give proper informed consent, a prepubescent child cannot give informed consent because they cannot properly understand sex or it's consequences.

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