Sex should be fun?

It really sounds like you need to work on feeling better about yourself first. For some reason you think he judges you and the way you look when it doesn’t sound like he has said anything specific.

Does it turn you off that he doesn’t have any previous experience? If he had slept with many women before you would you find him more attractive or desirable right now you think?

Why did you marry him? Y’all must have had amazing chemistry on a deeper level if it was not based on sexual desire for each other.

Me and my partner were the opposite, we started out with amazinggg sexual chemistry, that’s all it was actually for 1 whole year as neighbors before we decided we liked each other on a more personal level but of course as with all relationships that “fun” and “excitement” wears off over time. What you need to keep a relationship going is complete honesty and vulnerability with your partner. That eventually is what you use to fuel sex and passion when it isn’t new anymore. Does he know that you have never really enjoyed sex with him like you have with other people?

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