Sex workers should be legalized, given protection under labor laws, and not frowned upon because of their occupation.

I agree although a certain level of stigma would probably always exist to an extent but I do think that the stigma should be lessened. Like, maybe you don't like what they do, wouldn't like if someone you knew did it, but we should all hold the idea that sex workers are still human beings who shouldn't be subjected to violence and mistreatment. There's a certain mindset I honestly consider pathetic of like black and white moralizing that a lot of people are really prone to where if you don't approve of someone's choices in life then they are essentially garbage and deserve any bad thing that happens to them. By selling sexual services you aren't "selling your body/self" (this phrase is so gross to me) and inviting anyone to treat you in whatever kind of inhumane way, you are just selling mutually agreed upon sexual services.

People say this isn't unpopular but I think it is just something we've probably heard before, but this is in broader society a very controversial and taboo subject, and in the US, laws passed in very recent years and pressure (and propagation of a conspiratorial sex trafficking panic...) from right wing Christian lobbying groups have made it harder to do any kind of sex work in safer ways, not even just full service although that is the most profoundly impacted, but online sex workers are feeling the pressure from these things too.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread