Sexist Instagram mods

I'm with you on that one, mate.

Yesterday, I had an appt. at the doc's at 0900. At 1000, many patients had been in and out before me - they were all women. I've noticed a lot that women spend longer in the docs and get seen faster.

I went to the counter and said to the woman I'd been waiting since 0900 when am I being seen. She replied that the doctor didn't have time to see me. I said that this was unacceptable and she'd just have to fit me in with anyone (just needed a prescription).

A woman came in and said, "is my prescription ready?" Receptionist told her it wasn't so she said, "I need to be at work at 0930 and I really need it today". So the receptionist went and got the doc to write it then and there. If I said that, I'd be told, "GTFO and wait". A woman came out from seeing the doc, and said to the reception lady, "I need another appointment, today if possible", and she was given one for the same day - in a few hours.

This made me very angry and I complained to the receptionist. A few of the female patients agreed that I should be seen since my appointment was nearly an hour before theirs.

If it wasn't for the women complaining - I'd've not been seen by the docs and been given my prescription (had run out of painkillers entirely).

If that's not an example of treating me - a man - less than women, then idk what is. That kind of situation has been consistent over the past 4-5 years at that place. I've often come out feeling that women get a better go of things at the doctors.

Often they come out wiping up tears, with a slight smile on their face and a script for Valium. My appointments take 2 minutes and the docs have never addressed my thyroid problems. The one I saw yesterday was not a doc but an "Advanced Practicioner" and she said - "i've known you for 2 mins and I can already tell that you need to go for a bunch of tests, idk why the docs are giving you addictive drugs and sedatives and xrays when you clearly have problems with endochrine system, I wish you'd seen me years ago".

My doctor is (was) a liberal femanist, and has told me in the past that men are supposed to just take the pain and get on with it.

I'm never going back to that surgery again, because I feel that they are biased towards treating women and hindu/muslims more than me - an average guy who doesn't gaf about religion.

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