I was sexually assaulted by a woman, but everyone I tell just laughs at me.

I was sexually assaulted by a woman as well. This happened a long time ago and still, whenever I think about it I feel like I'm going to throw up.

I had gone to a friends apartment on a weeknight. He had just moved in and had a few people over as a sort of house warming party. Most of his stuff was still in boxes.

I had been drinking an irresponsible amount. I'll take the blame for that. I lost control of myself and that was my fault. I was upset about a girl that I was talking to and I not working out. She told me she didn't want to see me anymore and I was upset, and I made a mistake. If I hadn't drank so much this would never have happened.

After people cleared out it became very clear I couldn't leave. My friend, his girlfriend, one other guy who was already asleep, and his girlfriends (and I don't mean this to be offensive or insulting - just part of the story) very overweight and very unattractive friend. It almost makes me even angrier because she was the sjw type. People might think I am trying to make this up or prove a point but I swear on everything that it's true. She had been talking during the party about how college athletes get away with rape and how we should do away with our schools sports program (our school had a football player who was accused of rape that year). I also know she was a sociology major because she was debating some kid about rape culture in our athletics program.

I remember bits and pieces of the end of the night. I was that catatonic type of drunk. They told me the were going to put me to bed. They asked me if I needed anything and I wasn't able to say a coherent sentence. I remember them laughing at me and then I remember the girl telling my friend and his gf not to worry that she'd take care of me. She put down blankets and stuff on the ground, then told me to lay down. She asked me if I needed anything.

She told me she was going to take my clothes off for me. She told me that I couldn't sleep in clothes and unbuttoned my shorts and pulled them down. I just went with it because I wasn't thinking. She had been putting herself around me all night, called me a pussy for turning down shots earlier, just generally trying to encourage me to drink.

In doing that she had pulled my boxers down a little bit and my penis had come out. She started feeling it up. She was making noises and moaning. I was disgusted. Then she told me she was going to take her clothes off.

I remember her laying down next to me. I remember her trying to force my hand between her legs but I kept pulling it away. She asked me if I had a condom and I distinctly said "no stop". I was starting to get the spins now that I was laying down. I felt sick. She started kissing me and I rolled my face away. When I did this she went down on me and started giving me head. I tried to push her head away and I told her to stop again - I was feeling so sick.

She got up on her knees and grabbed my hand and pulled her underwear off and put her knee up on me because she was about to straddle me. Then she took my hand and pressed it against her vagina. I gag just thinking about it when I typed that. She pressed my fingers inside of her. I remember the wetness on my hand and that put me over the edge. I turned my head to the side and started vomiting. That's the last thing I remember. When I woke up she was gone. The vomit was still there. I have no idea if she had sex with me or not.

I never drink like that around women anymore unless I would consent to have sex with them sober, because I know what could happen if I was to drunk to stop someone's advances. Not being able to resist was the worst fucking feeling you can ever imagine.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread