Shaahi bakchod strikes again.

You can not be serious.

The tribal language has less and easy syllables.

Straight up false.

Sanskrit and Mandarin are very complex languages which can only be spoken by people who have that much brain capacity.

Also straight up false. Please bother doing your homework. The Mandarin script looks complex and that is as far as your perception of the language has gone, whereas it is much simpler than English in many aspects. For example, Mandarin Chinese does not have any verb conjugations. All verbs have a single form.

And after colonization, we formed the hindi language, which is a less complex. This shows how we our brain capacity was affected due to invasions.

Do you think Hindi developed overnight after colonisation? Languages are always evolving. Sanskrit was just one part of the continuum which started at Proto Indo European and has ended up at Hindi. The colonisers had nothing to do with it. (I assume you are not talking about the British because that would be especially retarded to think Sanskrit was replaced by Hindi just a few hundred years ago)

Edit: No doubt Hinduism is a pluralistic culture. It reflects on every other component likhe language, food, architecture, dance, music, etc. These components make up a culture, therefore it's other way around. The components are pluralistic in nature, which makes our culture plural.

Have you ever even been to another county? This statement is so extremely ignorant.

You see how freedom is given to the user of the language to express in any way as he wants without changing the meaning. This is plurality. Unlike English, which has strict grammar grammar and gives very less freedom.

"Very less freedom"- yes, clearly, you are an expert on English grammar.

  1. Food. The English system of food, i.e. Starters, main course (5 courses I guess), then sweets. Every course is provided individually in sequence which represents no freedom and creativity. But in Hinduism, there is no strict rule or sequence for eating. You're presented with a" thaali" which comprises of many flavours, spicy, sweet, sour, etc. It's upto you how you want to start. You can start with sweet, eat chapati first then rice or the other way round. If you want spicy, add more pickles or anything . You can change the proportions of different items in a thaali as per your taste. This is freedom and plurality in food just like it is in the culture, which even gives you freedom to make your own God.

Again, extreme ignorance is shown by this statement. You can not generalise to this extent and even then, how does freedom in food translate to "higher brain capacity"? Are all Vegetarians retarded because they do not have freedom?

You are cherry picking these aspects of Hinduism and are conveniently forgetting Major issues. Every religion is perfect in theory.

Western civilization, which you have been cussing at for this whole essay has gotten much farther and their countries are far more developed than we could even hope for in the foreseeable future.

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