Shaco OTP looking for advice on Talon~

  1. Longsword, ×3 pots

  2. Level 4, 6

  3. Harras with W once you have 2+ points in it, until then it does the damage of an autoattack, it's not worth to use your mana for that. An all-in with 2 longswords or a pickaxe can 100-0 any SQUISHY (not Diana, Cho, etc) in one combo. If you think you can fight early, do it from level 4+.

  4. Tiamat > Serrated Dirk > T1 boots > Yoummu's Ghostblade > and from there you should choose 3 from the next items: Maw/Duskblade/Mercurial/BC - build order doesn't matter. ALWAYS COMPLETE TIAMAT INTO HYDRA LAST

  5. Sustained/tanky fighters, champions with lots of shields and CC all counter Talon. Some examples would be Diana, Cho'Gath, Lulu, Pantheon, Kayle-ish, etc. Let them push, W+Tiamat the wave and roam whenever possible.

  6. E -> AA -> Q -> W -> Tiamat -> R is the optimal combo, it deals all the damage you have and puts you in stealth, from there you can choose between running away or finishing your target if it's still alive (your target shouldn't be alive once you have 2 items, it's not always necessary to use the second part of R instantly, squishy champions usually die form E-AA-Q-W-Tiamat anyway)

  7. Always go 12-18. Sorcery, Double Edged Sword, Natural Talent, Oppressor, Savagery, Secret Stash, Merciless, Dangerous Game, Precision, Thunderlord's Decree is the way I go. For runes take 9× armor penetration marks, 3× AD quints, 9× armor seals and 9× magic resist glyph. You can take cdr/lvl in glyph and hp/lvl in seals if you feel like you need CDR.

  8. Don't do your combo too fast, you can cancel your Q. W is pretty awkward to hit, if the enemy changes their path you miss everything, wait about 1 second to see where they are going to go then throw your W. E can be used on other units to approach your target if they don't allow you to get in their range, e.g. E'd to Nautilus/A MINION and kill Caitlyn with W-AA-Q-R. The second part of your ultimate can be activated sooner with an auto, Tiamat, W, etc.

/r/Talonmains Thread