Shadowrun 6e: Death of mundanes, Rise of spirits

If they were right about all of this (I know nothing of this particular podcast), I would think they were setting up for supplement books to even the odds. I imagine a lot of people go into Shadowrun for how magic interacts with the modern world, so it makes since that they'd focus on magic at first. Then, new books come out to give mundanes an edge. Neijia might become a low value quality, fewer things are considered normal weapons (i.e. baseball bats being normal weapons since they're glorified sticks, while most guns are not considered normal weapons since they're highly advanced constructs of the modern world), etc. And maybe summoning spirits is a lot more dangerous and totems more demanding. Summon a small army of ethereals is only a good thing if you didn't piss them off by forcing them from they're plane of existence, and you can't upset your totem without losing your magic. While I'm not happy about this development, it might not be as bad as it looks. We can't know until the 6e CRB comes out.

/r/Shadowrun Thread