Shah Ismail I Appreciation Thread

no dude, Fuck you, uneducated dipshit bigot.

Who the hell are you to comment that India would have become a 'Muslim country', if the 'conversions were peaceful'?

I'm a guy who's family witnessed first hand how retarded people become when religion is forced upon them instead of actually being understood. Thats who.

you think we would let go of our traditions, one of the rare few oldest CONTINUOUS, evolving cultures in the world (besides China, and would also include Iran probably)

Lol, we persian, central asian, turkish, Kurdish, Indian, and South East Asian muslims still have our own culture. Its the Arab's who's backward stone age culture was decimated by Islam. Islam isn't a culture, its a religion, it was never meant to replace culture either way. We celebrate both nowruz and ashura. My Indian family celebrates diwali and rahmadan side by side.

I have NEVER thought ill about Iran or its history (in fact I like Iran and its culture, and want to visit so badly!),

Holy fuck, your so bigoted that even speculating: "o ya i think India would have become Muslim had they not been invaded by dipshit Muslim extremist rules and been introduced to it peacefully" is akin to insulting India. you hate us so fucking much that this is the ultimate insult for you, I don't see how you go about loathing, hating, and despising 15% of your country's population every day. What the fuck is wrong with you!?

I have never thought ill about atheists or Hindus, but you're type absolutely disgust me.

justify Muslim conversion of your country by your

You're absolute pathetic, you act as if the conversion to Islam is the ultimate wrong here instead of being invaded by Arab supremacists. We would have become Muslim either way, this is a fact. Why the fuck are you so butthurt over it?

I have never said anything bad about India, Hindus, Atheists, or non-Muslims. you on the other hand absolutely lost your collective shit when I speculated India would have likely been a majority Muslim country as if I insulted your mother or sister or something,just goes to show how much you hate Muslims . . . .

if India peacefully became Muslim half the desi population wouldn't have gone full fucking retard and separated from India (Pakistan, Bangladesh). They wouldn't worship the Arabs and us Persians so much and would retain far more of their original cultural values side by side with Islam (compare Pakistani muslims and Indian muslims, massive difference). how much of an uneducated bigot can you be?

doesn't mean I would let that bullshit pass through about my land.

you should probably pick up the nearest AK and gun down some muslim missonaries then . . .

/r/iran Thread Parent