Shaking in my boots. Sealed super mario land.

I remember this game. I have a pretty embarrassing story about it from a time when I had a little more trouble controlling my temper. When I was a kid my mom took away our video games because my big brother and I would get into fights. I always wanted to take turns, but I sucked at games back then so I was basically just wasting his lives making it impossible for him to get past any level that was difficult. Plus his lives lasted about 10 times longer than mine did.

And when he got in the zone he'd take 4-5 turns to my 1 and that's when the fights would start. I was the little brother so normally it ended with me crying or something.. Which of course brought mom in. And one day she flipped and took the game systems. "NO MORE VIDEO GAMES!" She said. And it was like that for years. She took away the regular Nintendo, and finally let up on the rule when we got a Nintendo 64 for Christmas that was bundled with goldeneye. We had a pc by then and I had already been sucked into pc gaming so I wasn't very interested in the consoles anymore by that point and he wasn't very interested in pcs. Also the 64 was very multi-player friendly so it kept us from trying to murder each other.

But anyways, during the game ban period, I found that she had stashed the game boy in the top of a closet. I never found any games but this one. So I would sneak it down and play it. I remember sitting at home every day over summer break one year and failing to get past a certain boss level repeatedly for hours. I had switched out batteries multiple times and still couldn't do it. Then after the 9 millionth time of doing the same thing over and over I punched the game boy in a fit of rage. The screen shattered and it was unplayable.

I remember being so upset, sad and mad at myself. I guess I learned my lesson because I didn't break shit in anger anymore after that. I ended up just leaving the gameboy on the floor in the closet so it'd seem like it fell off the shelf and no one ever said anything to me. I've thought about going to find a copy and trying to beat it as an adult just for some closure.

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