Shaman Class - Version 3.0

Since reading this yesterday I've been inspired to look through my old tomes of wisdom (4th edition stuff) and thought of an alternative for a Spirit Companion/Animal. Instead of giving the companion boons have its attacks and abilities determined by the Spiritual Journey the Shaman chooses.

SPIRIT COMPANION At 1st level your connection to the spirit world has caught the attention of a guardian spirit that indentures itself to your service. Your companion manifests itself as someone or something personal to you; usually in the form of an animal, or as a cherished ancestor. Keep in mind that your guide is a projection of your conscience and not necessarily the spirit of a past loved one.
As a bonus action you conjure your spirit companion in an unoccupied area within 100 feet of you. The spirit remains until you fall unconscious or until you dismiss it as a bonus action. The spirit’s size is medium, enemies cannot move through your companion, but allies can. When you take a move action, your spirit companion can also move a distance equal to your speed. The spirit can move in any direction. If your spirit companion moves up or down or through other creatures and objects, every foot of movement costs an extra foot. The spirit’s movement is not hindered by non-magical terrain. If your spirit companion ends its movement in an occupied space you take 1d10 physic damage. Your spirit companion exists in the Border Ethereal and unless otherwise stated cannot be perceived or interacted with, unless a special ability or magic has given them the ability to do so, by anyone but you. Your companion can reveal itself if you so choose, in this way your spirit companion can appear or disappear as a bonus action The spirit can be targeted by magical, melee, or ranged attacks; the spirit’s armor class is equal to your spell save DC. Although it lacks hit points your spirit companion has a damage threshold which is equal to your spell save DC. If an attack deals damage to the spirit equal to its damage threshold the spirit disappears, and you take psychic damage equal to one-half the total damage dealt. Otherwise, the spirit is unaffected by the attack. If your spirit companion is dismissed in this way it cannot rematerialize until you take a short or long rest.

/r/UnearthedArcana Thread