Shameless Cash Grab by SDS

If you guys don't see this your dumb.

They tout it as a way to increase line up diversity its not going to. By removing immortals they created line up diversity. Look at your inventory right now sans immortals. Most positions there is not one clear cut best of the best must be in your line up out of the non immortals. If immortals didn't exist in this years game line up diversity would be massive.

Now to create line up diversity they instead are massively limiting the supply of wanted cards which means the cards prices will be sky high (hello scarcity).

They made so many great changes. The new missions structures, conquest, moments, removing of exchanges and immortals were all great steps. Then they go and say "hey here's some cards you'd all want but if you want all 3 pay a metric ton of stubs because fuck you"

/r/MLBTheShow Thread Parent