Shaming you for attacking women is not a legitimate reason for you to attack us even more

Okay, maybe unpopular opinion, but... that original tweet is actually getting at something, albeit in the stupidest way possible. This person feels vulnerable, threatened, shamed, humiliated, and therefore feels like lashing out (probably towards even more vulnerable people) is a good idea to re-establish control. And that will happen if we don't address the root cause of why people suffer like this. Like, if this person has lost his job through no fault of their own and is now living in poverty and feels ashamed and angry about it, telling him about the wage gap and how we need to improve women's wages won't really make things better. And, at worst, it will make the lives of the more vulnerable people around him worse by fueling anger and resentment.

We can say "well, he just shouldn't be an awful person and not take things out on the people around him", but that's ignoring the fact that that's just what powerless people tend to do. If people feel their life spinning out of control, they look for someone to blame. They become racist, they become misogynist, etc. And they make victims. And when we enhance that feeling of powerlessness, we may cause them to make more victims.

So what's the solution? Well, intersectionality of course! This whole thing started because someone felt their life spinning out of control, with losing their job and being forced to live in poverty (as an example). We know very bad economic conditions can make people lash out, so we should strive to just, not have those conditions happen. If we want to prevent people from doing awful things, we should find the root of why they're acting the way they are, not just blame them for being awful. I know, it's not as satisfying as "bad person bad", but otherwise we run the risk of not really fixing things. Just my 2 cents, though!

/r/TrollXChromosomes Thread Link -