Share of 25-29 year olds living with their parents

But culture is changing, and influencing people's choices. The current trend of staying single, independent, living alone instead of sharing rooms - that's all influencing both your personal life as well as market (real estate in this instance). There capital you can gather to own your place is also heavily dependent on your lifestyle - we may laugh at boomers and their avocado talk, but if you eat out instead of cooking yourself, treat yourself with a foreign trip twice a year, or do whatever that increases your financial strain, you just won't be able to own your home for way longer.

That's how life works, unfortunately, and our generations (millennial and z alike) just don't want to accept it. You can't just raise a "it's boomers/rich/corporations/capitalism fault" flag and call it a day - people had lived and families through way worse macroeconomic situations than we have now.

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