Share your cfg file?

////////////////////////// /// BASIC SETTINGS /// ////////////////////////// // //bind "F8" "exec autoexec.cfg" // Deny allied units using right-click dota_force_right_click_attack "0" dota_minimap_hero_size 700 // Range indicator of active skill when you hover over the ground / opponent dota_disable_range_finder "0" //iconsizeminimapchange //dota_minimap_hero_size "800" // Change minimap colours. dota_unit_use_player_color "1"; dota_friendly_color_b "0.8"; dota_friendly_color_g "0.7"; dota_friendly_color_r "0.3"; dota_enemy_color_b "0.4"; dota_enemy_color_g "0.4"; dota_enemy_color_r "0.8";

// Make results appear immediately after game ends dota_sf_game_end_delay 0

// Enables information updon death (Default: 0) dota_killcam_show 1

// Threshold delay to accept minimap clicks (default 0.2) dota_minimap_misclick_time "0.2"

//disable zoom dota_camera_disable_zoom "1"

////////////////////////// /// HEALTH BAR /// //////////////////////////

// Health Bar, makes hp changes instantaneous if set to 0 without quotations AUTOEXEC CONFIG: //dota_spectator_auto_spectate_games 65006 //dota_health_hurt_decay_time_max "0" // Default is 0.8 //dota_health_hurt_decay_time_min "0" // Default is 0.3 //dota_health_hurt_delay "0" // Default is 0.1 //dota_pain_decay "0" // Default is 0.8 //dota_pain_factor "0" // Default is 3 //dota_pain_multiplier "0" // Default is 0.8

// Health segmenting in the lifebar (default 250) //dota_health_per_vertical_marker "250"

// Opacity major healthbar divider (default 255, 0=invisible 255=opaque) //dota_health_marker_major_alpha "255"

// Opacity minor healthbar divider (default 128, 0=invisible 255=opaque) //dota_health_marker_minor_alpha "128"

// Health number above the lifebar on (default 1) //dota_hud_healthbar_number "1"

////////////////////////// /// CAMERA /// //////////////////////////

//bind "F1" "dota_camera_setpos -2273.898682 1232.745483" //bind "F2" "dota_camera_setpos 3035.773438 -2972.680176"

// Top Rune bind "F1" "dota_camera_set_lookatpos -2287 1817"

// Bot Rune bind "F2" "dota_camera_set_lookatpos 2990 -2400"

// Courier boost //bind "F4" "dota_courier_deliver; dota_courier_burst"

////////////////////////// /// QUICK MESSAGES /// //////////////////////////

bind "n" "chatwheel_say 57"

say_team "[autoexec.cfg loaded]"

bind "F8" "say_team T H E P L E A S U R E O F B E I N G C U M M E D I N S I D E"

// //Performance tweaks //

//fps_max "60" // //mat_vsync "1" // //mat_triplebuffered "1" //

//no frame drops //engine_no_focus_sleep 0

a lot is // because i changed computers and the settings fucked with my card

/r/DotA2 Thread