Share your nootropics success story!

A fairly frequent genetic affliction - migraines. Were activated when i was about 11 years old, by a rather severe case of flu. Over about a decade since then i mostly ate NSAIDs in extraordinary quantities in poor attempts to at least partially remedy the episodes... During the start of university years, they became more severe in threes: symptoms, duration and frequency, which forcibly prompted me to turn to triptans (unsuccessfully), and during the start of my life period as a jobby job bud, that worsened to the point of more or less becoming a form of semi-incapacitation. After five triptans failed to put a dent in it of any kind, not even approaching a paw full of ibuprofens with caffeines, i decided to jump in where my curiosity already lingered - chems/noots/supps. Few years of trial-and-error and many many subs pass - i reached memantine on the list. Ever since, about three years now, my problemo is very very manageable, results approaching those of science fiction, as there's no "cure" for such conditions, while my episodes that once were on average three a week, durations of variably one-three days at a time clumped to one/two in a month or two with very dulled severity. Now memantine is a pharma chem for late stage Alzheimer's first and a noot only second, but a vast off-label use potential was known for a while now for a broad range of conditions, i'm a firm testament of one of them me thinks...

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