[Shaun King] BREAKING: Several star @NFL players have told me they are considering sitting out the season until the de facto ban of Eric Reid and Colin Kaepernick is removed and both men are given spots back on rosters. They aim to get 25% of the players to sit out with them.

Are you talking about a change to the CBA?

Because what I was referring to in the second part was just the fight for Kaep, Reid, and social justice. That won't have monetary benefit and really would just be a moral cause.

But in reference to the CBA. It could help the highest earners in the league even in the short-term. Though I'm sure many of them are worried about losing a year, especially guys like RBs that have short ones, if the benefits don't end up catching them up to where they would have been just playing. However, it doesn't help the majority of the league on smaller contracts and who average 4 years in the league. Those guys can't risk losing one of the years and are a large portion of the league.

There's a reason the league always seems to end up with the better outcome because the players being a diverse group, with sort careers to make the money they can, and needing salary to pay their living expenses are just in a weaker bargaining position.

/r/nfl Thread Parent Link - twitter.com