[Shelfie] I used to think skin care was feminine but now my face looks much more youthful. Everyone in their 20s should get on board!

I agree. I'm a guy and I have suffered with acne since I was 12 years old. As a guy I was taught to just use heavy soaps and wash off with water, and I used these TERRIBLE acne products which just completely ruined my skin and caused more acne.

I eventually got fed up with it after going to a dermatologist and having nothing done about it (he told me hemp oil was the worst thing I could put on my face), I decided to browse this subreddit. I still get the occasional pimple, but my skin is so much more lively and calmer. It went from cracked, itchy, red, acne-prone skin to skin where I can actually look at myself in the mirror and not be sad.

People might say it's vain to get into skincare, especially for men, but it's helped significantly with my confidence and anxiety. I no longer worry myself sick about having to go outside.

/r/SkincareAddiction Thread Link - i.redd.it