Shen runes/masteries/build for top and jungle

You're wrong from before. I looked it up again. Grasp of the undying does have a 4 sec cooldown. No ifs ands or buts. There are no "building stacks" while in combat.

Yeah. You're retarded. How can you argue about tank champions, and not understand how grasp of the undying works. "After staying in combat for 4 seconds.." means, as long as you're in combat, you build up these little stacks on your bar. Once you get all the stacks, you get grasp. Once you use grasp, you immediately start stacking grasp back up again.

Do you follow that logic now?

What logic is that? You didn't need CDR on old Shen because you were just expected tank, and shens CDs were decently low enough that its not a big deal. Now Shen's CDs are even lower, and he has CC built into his kit thats not a taunt. You don't need to build stickiness, its already in your kit. Do you follow that logic?

Here, let me re-post the rest of the reply (in increased bullet form for increased clarity) since you conveniently missed it the first time:

Because you're using math in a vacuum like that means literally fucking anything. Yes the longer the fight goes on, I agree you do more damage. But you deal more burst damage, have a better build path, and overall, are not building solely a damage item. Also, no wave clear with botrk. Titanic just makes more sense on paper. And personally I'd rather have an auto attack reset on a champ with a damage window, than attack speed for guaranteed damage.

Well that's even more sad then, isn't it?

Not really my life has other things going on outside of League. League is just a big hobby of mine.

Just admit you're wrong.

i dont know if you're just ignoring everything, but i said in the last post that it was a typo about the late game shit. I said you're buying for the mid game. And its bad idea because these items just make you weaker, in your already weak mid game. Also builds can't be "wrong", just sub optimal. I'm saying your build is sub optimal.

Well a lot has changed in 4 years and (ffs if this wasn't obvious already) we're talking about a reworked Shen.

no fucking shit, but you said that I never played shen, but shen was one of my main champs. You're like trying to dig daggers into me, but you're almost consistently wrong.

Desperate to make someone else on the internet look retarded? You're the only one calling anyone a retard - twice in this very post already.

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