She's the most precious thing in my miserable life and I love her so much. And yes I'm drunk but damn I just love her and couldn't live without her

The pile of floof. Like kitten we got from my dad's customer by coincidence. Just asked if they had a black cat in their cats newborn kittens. And they did. Only one. And we got her basically for free. And she's the best thing that ever happened to me. I love her. She gets a bit rowdy sometimes but that's part of her charm. She's almost 4 years old now but still behaves like a spoiled little kitten. So adorable. Little hunter brings us mice and birds every winter like we can't hunt for ourselves. We must look pathetic in her eyes. But that's OK. Bec3i probably am. Only living day by day. Carrying out newspapers. What kinda job is that anyway. Pathetic. Wasted my whole youth. Not even gonna do anything g with my education most likely. Do t have any future prospects. No aspirations. No dreams. No nothing. Just doh g what I'm told. Like a bizch. Might as well sell myself for real for all the good it'll do me. Maybe that might give me some sense of satisfaction. Instead of wasting my life away lie I am now. I havent seen sunlight in weeks. Always. Go to sleep at dawn and wake up at dusk. Because I have nothing else to do. Fuck my pathetic life. Fuck me. Should just end myself and be done with it. Nothing waiting for me anyway. My mom might be a sad and cry but whatever. She'd be the only one. Got like 3 friends online but who knows how long it'd take thm to notice I'm gone... Maybe a fe weeks? Months? Who fucking knows. Thanks for listening to my t Ed talk. I'm lucy. My life is an endless hole of a pain and lisedy and I'm out.

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