She's read everythin from teenage girl fiction to scifi, she's read everythin and she don't wanna hear no lip

...then Cline captures the feel of the Oasis, and video games in general, 80s games more specifically, better than anybody ever has before, especially when taken as a contrast inside and outside the Oasis.


Then real talk, one of the things Cline (or more specifically, RP1 fans) has to reckon with is that maaaybe 80s games were not worth writing literature over. We learned this with the Mortal Kombat movie, the Super Mario Bros movie, or I mean, The Wizard, and countless other attempts to "capture the feel" of 80s gaming. The only one I can think of off the top of my head that actually rose to become a classic (and I mean for general audiences. Yes, MK1 was "good", but let's be real, it's a cult classic, not general audience well-received) would have to be Tron.

So the question I have to posit is: is RP1 a shittier, albeit more modern, Tron?

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