Shiphtur on Korean imports: 'I think people kinda overrate the Koreans a little bit'

kda means nothing, maybe you should re-read and try to understand my post. My post isn't about his in game performance, it's about his RESULTS as a player. Is results kda, cs per minute, or anything else? FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK no. It's about one thing and one thing only son, your ability to win.

Hai, for example, was your textbook player who got flamed by people like yourself. Did it matter? Yeah c9 kicked him. Did it help c9? Fuck no. They got em back, and C9 was dominant once more. Stats are misleading, LoL is a very complex game and you can't look at stats in the same way. If you pick Caitlyn for example every game, and your jungler always camps your lane, and the enemy is known to pick twitch, kog, etc, does your cs per minute mean you are better then them? This of course isn't saying this happened every game - but you need to consider this is the playstyle sk used. It was a get forg1ven fed strategy. Other teams did quite the opposite, in fact a lot of them pointed out how getting bot lane ahead was not a good meta strategy, and in the end it proved to be true. Other players got their solo lanes ahead.

Anyways if you can't understand that I can't help you with it. It requires a bit of thought and game insight. I feel bad if you can't understand. In the end your ability to win matters. If you can do well in a game while your jungler didn't help you once on a utility/team fight carry, it means a lot more then doing well when everyone is helping you. I actually saw fox walk away from creep waves just to give them to forg1ven every game.

What am I talking about? I'll say it again, he plays two champions and takes up space on the map. It's a known fact, all the pros said the same thing about him. Can he play more? Of course, but his playstyle is much weaker as he starts deviating from the norm. He also can't play certain carries who might better suit the meta. Yellowstar said that about him, claiming he didn't want to play with someone who could not play meta champions.

It's not about just the supports. It's about the players. Who was sneaky in s3? A nobody, he made World's 3 times. Who was turtle. A nobody, he carried TSM to World's in S3. Good players find teams and work well with multiple players. Edward also supported many ADC's and many of them did very well, he was considered the best support in the World at one point. Not sure what your little comparisons are meant to mean honestly.

Turtle literally just got kicked off TSM and he went out, found a new team, and for sure we'll be seeing him at next World's. Why? He's a driven player with talent.

Rekkles will be at world's again this year, without yellowstar btw. So what will forg1vens excuse be this time? Yes his teams haven't been top tier, but that also speaks about the player and their drive. Turtle a month ago was teamless, no top team in NA had a spot for him, now his team is probably the best in the West currently.

Puszu has insane kda's too and he literally just sucked. He was like 15-0 or something insane on Varus one game at World's and was actually useless in team fights. Anyways, use brain and it will make sense to you. Not everyone is capable of such a feat so I wish your dumbass some luck.

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