The Shire, Me, MS Paint with a mouse, 2022

2 hours ago Someone give this man a Photoshop copy! (Or at least Gimp) :)

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[–]kettu1[S] 326 points 2 hours ago Haha, I have Photoshop and use it daily. I just wanted to do something different. :-)

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[–]ma3se 159 points 2 hours ago Signature mark of superiority. I respect that! Awesome work

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[–]kettu1[S] 173 points 2 hours ago Hahaha, thank you! I just think that it makes art look different in a way that I like. I couldn't make a painting look like this on a Photoshop, because the brushes work different. There is something genuinely pleasant (in my opinion) in the texture of paintings done on MS Paint.

Of course it also has that extra wow factor, because pretty much everyone has tried MS Paint at least once, and thought it's absolute garbage after a few minutes of scribbling. :D

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[–]sjarvis21 13 points 38 minutes ago couldn’t agree more, I have been quite creative in ms paint in my time creating an abundance of new swear words as I try to

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