Shit might be about to hit the fan. Deny, deny, deny?

Just repeating what I learned from my spouse..currently hooking up with his coworker. We are on an adultery sub, after all.

I believed every thing he told me. The red mark on his neck, how he fell on a box at work. THOUSANDS of dollars missing right under my nose. HE still has not told me where it went. I believed him then when he said it went to bills. It didn't. Diverting medical expenses under my name to pay for "more bills". Nope. Now my credit is ruined.

He told me I am worthless, while I was cooking dinner. I'm a bad housekeeper and should do things differently, while I was picking up after him and cleaning. "Other women are better!" "Other men would have hit you by now!"

I belived him. Every word he said. When he looked me right in the eyes and I asked him when I found all the evidence,..the blue hair strands, cum stains in the truck. He looked me right int he eyes and lied. I KNEW. !^ years together and a family. I would be stupid to not know. BUT I STILL WAS because I love him.

Adultery sub. LIE OP> WORKED ON ME.

/r/adultery Thread Parent