Shitpost Saturday

For the past few weeks, I've been streaming myself gaming for only my two friends. Life has us spread out around the US and it has been a great way to spend time together without actually being together.

We're currently going through Danganronpa and woa boy is it a trip. We went into it knowing only that it was an anime murder thing but we just didn't anticipate how anime it was. My friends aren't really the anime types, so it surprises me that they always want to continue.

We're just about to start the last chapter and each of us is having a hard time not spoiling ourselves. For how dumb the game is we are all trapped. The mastermind, headmaster, what's happening outside the school, 16th student ugh I just want to go ahead and read by myself and pretend I didn't but I also want to experience it with them.

Because I have a feeling it's going to dumb. Hilariously dumb. I recommend it.

/r/nfl Thread