シツモンデー: Shitsumonday: for the little questions that you don't feel have earned their own thread (July 15, 2019)

For learning, I’d definitely say my biggest problem is vocabulary. I’ve been wanting to get into the core 2k/6k/10k decks on Anki for a while but there are a few things stopping me. Firstly, I already have a background of around a couple thousand words, meaning whenever I’ve tried to start learning with these decks, I’ve just sat there archiving vocabulary rather than learning. It’s the same problem even if I use kitsun.io or Memrise for these decks. Secondly, the Anki deck I found doesn’t use furigana, and i think that would be more useful for me, as I’m learning kanji through WaniKani. I could arbitrarily start somewhere in the 3000s-6000s so there wouldn’t be much overlap with vocabulary I know, but I would likely be missing vocabulary from the lower levels. For those of you with experience with the core decks, how helpful are they? My current methods of learning vocabulary are limited to WaniKani and JLPT lists. Are there core decks that will sort out N5 vocabulary (I know there’s one that doesn’t include WaniKani Vocab)? Any help is appreciated.

/r/LearnJapanese Thread