As a short guy, I've grown a big disdain towards women. Here's why...

Four things:

  1. You're partially correct, there is a strong preference for tall guys. I'm fairly tall and it has undoubtedly been an advantage to me.

  2. Even though you're at a small natural disadvantage, all this does is cut out some potential options. It does not make you undateable. You should focus on looking for women who are your height or shorter, and not just shorter women in general, but also perhaps Asians or other ethnicities who are shorter than North Africans/North Europeans.

  3. Your bitterness is a larger barrier than your height. If you do get a relationship, cut out all bitterness from your past and focus on being a good and fair person in the present. Nobody likes to be pre-judged.

  4. I'm left wing as all get out That may be part of your problem. The far-left denigrates men in general. The women in your social circle likely have some disdainful views towards men, or suspicions regarding your motives, and additionally if you engage in left-wing discussions about the patriarchy, feminism, male colonialism, etc, you will likely end up looking like you lack pride and confidence whether you really do or not (which is not attractive.) If you're going to be left-wing, make sure you don't say anything that makes it look like you're apologizing for your race, gender, culture, or self. Nobody else does that and it's very unattractive.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread