I want to do a short student film about food waste and dumpster diving. What are some good things to keep in mind when approaching this topic from a privileged position?

It's extremely awesome you're interested in this and are trying to raise awareness about it. Thanks from me and most everybody on our great green Earth haha. As a childishly picky and anxious eater (not an excuse, just an explanation) I personally waste a ton of food and many people I know do too. I would love to see this video if/when it gets produced :).

You're correct and insightful in recognizing that many people are not freeganists by choice. But I don't believe that our excess/wasted (but still perfectly safe to eat) food is such a limited resource that taking food away from involuntary freeganistst should be such a concern. I guess just address scoping out dumpsters and giving people who need things more first dibs would be cool.

The other issue that is a mixed bag is that of making the practice seem trendy or hip. This concern is kind of bullshit in my eyes because the vast majority of people interested in social justice value an identity (authentic or otherwise) of awareness, respect, even reverence, for the disadvantaged and I don't think this is a bad thing. I personally believe our society is too atomist, too individualistic, and values a notion of identity that has been constructed by the paranoid psychology insidiously spread by advertisement and consumerism. Hegemonic forces hit us with this hard during our impressionable years and from my experience as a Westerner it is virtually inescapable, so therefore it must be acknowledged and made use of, but while being aware that this is a double edged sword. Doing these things to fit in, to seem cool, or feel better about ourselves is not terrible because it's really what motivates most people. From my limited theoretical knowledge (I am so preoccupied by my own problems/simply am lazy and selfish that I am at best an armchair activist; being kind to those i encounter in real life is the most political thing i do), the best, most effective activism is rooted in empathy and kindness, but all aforementioned motives seem to me to be unavoidable stepping stones. You might not agree with the latter half of this rant but at least an awareness of the first sentence of this paragraph could help you avoid problematic stuff.

Which brings me to my last point - no, I will not get off my soap box just yet! I so strongly wish to not offend you here and do note I am mostly addressing srs (which i imagine is fairly representative of online social justice circles and hopefully this is relevant to the entire movement) when I say this. But this particular concern about being problematic seems a bit excessive to me. You're doing a great thing here. Really. Like I wish we could all smile deeply for ourselves first when we pursue kind actions, and worry about problematic things only as an extension of this kindness. I know I can get extremely paranoid about doing or saying x or y problematic thing, especially around certain people and circles. This is some bullshit too because for the most part I do genuinely come in good faith. I admittedly get off on pointing out the hypocrisy of a privileged and hateful social justice, but I sincerely think that's for the best too. Wow, it is incredibly clear to me now that I am projecting myself onto you but I'm gonna leave this paragraph in here :). Because I know I'm not alone in this flavor of paranoia.

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