Short survey on preppers (sorry, accidentally deleted last post)

/u/Speck72 I am piggy backing this here so if people read this it will be pretty prominent in the thread.

The authors of the questions are indeed using biased questions. I did a little digging and some of the questions I remember from taking the survey I see in some other work.

There is one question about do you feel you exist (or something like that) from your head or your heart. A moment of looking around found this.
The TLDR is "Do you use your head or follow your heart? Self-location predicts personality, emotion, decision making, and performance. AK Fetterman, MD Robinson - Journal of personality and social psychology, 2013"
Put bluntly that people that claim the head tend to be more analytical and more remote then people that claim a heart affinity. He states that this is a cultural bias and may have profound impact on how people are studied.

For example "The results of Study 2 are suggestive of the idea that heart-locators may favor emotional considerations in social decision making, whereas head-locators may favor rational considerations in this same context."
I begin to see the relevance here of the question. So people that identify as heart people are more likely to use emotions when making decisions on social matters.

Whats more if you read through the studys (they are on google and free to read) you see even more relevance when they start looking at daily stress levels. The stated conclusions are that heart based people are more likely to feel the effects of daily stressors and be more impacted by them.
"The relation between daily stressors and daily negative emotions was significant among both head-locators, b =.19, t = 3.83, p < .01, and heart-locators, b = .37, t = 5.30, p < .01, but was clearly stronger among heart-locators. That is, heart-locators exhibited greater negative emotional reactivity to stressors in daily life."

If you haven't grabbed my point yet I am guessing that the point of the study was to take people that are believed (the statement about bias I made earlier becomes significant here) to be more reactive to stressors are more likely to be head rather then heart identifiers.
Professors I believe that your numbers are going to be very off what you have hypothesized. With out any way to see your numbers I predict that you are going to see a majority swing of head locators. And I predict that the reasons will be other then why you came here to ask your questions.
I don't believe that you will have taken some of the reasons that you are getting numbers that don't match expectations into account.
Bluntly put your medium for seeking people to respond to your survey predisposes your audience for brain identifiers. Secondly your choice of sub reddits further predisposes your respondents as brain identifiers. People who are survivalists can look at threats around them and look dispassionately at how to mitigate them.
Unlike stormfront we are not white supremacists. Most of us don't trust the government to take care of us in times of national emergency. So we have plans to take care of ourselves and those we love in any contingency. The first reason to be a surivalist for most people is to not be part of the problem. But to be part of the answer.
As a rule we are not going to be going to a red cross shelter in a emergency. But it would not be uncommon to see us donating to shelters and to food banks.
We would rather rely on what we can do with our own two hands then to hold them out for help.
Reddit if someone disagrees with what I have posted by all means feel free to speak up. I could after all be wrong in what I am putting together based on what I have read of their published data.

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