….shorter, Bdong. You mean shorter.

Anywho, girl you’re breaking the no leg humping/fan girling rules of the sub. So I assume you’re being reported.

It’s great that you don’t feel the need to snark on her, good for you. You are also fully capable of leaving the sub if you feel you’ve moved on from where it holds value for you, some of us aren’t there yet, and maybe we never will be.

But that’s for us to decide. Not you.

And as long as Brit continues to be a grifting, disgusting piece of shit, the numbers of this sub will continue to climb. Because that’s how society SHOULD work. You may see it as her living rent free in our heads, other people see it as holding people like her accountable for their actions.

Perspective is key.

/r/brittanydawnsnark Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it