“Get the shot or get shot”

Nope. I've taken a deep deep look into the movement as I used to be left leaning for years and years and I've seen through all the bullshit, what it boils down to is that they want you to comply and obey, because they are authoritarians in disguise.

If there are any true liberals and left wing people out there, they certainly are hiding well. Because supporting giving away bodily autonomy to governments and for-profit pharmaceutical companies is probably the least liberal thing I could think of. Yet almost invariably, all "leftists" support this, because it's seen as the dogmatically right thing to do, for god knows why.

Also, being a "good" or a "bad" person is a prime example of the leftist psychological manipulation tactics. Comply with the collective, the greater good... or else.

I'd fucking love to see a true left wing movement, a TRUE anarchist movement, a movement about TRUE human liberty and freedom from all forms of tyranny. It pains me to say that the left wing movement is NOTHING like that, and the biggest and saddest irony is that it's most likely a psyop created by the very same people they claim to be fighting against aka the rich elite: to create a totalitarian dystopia where blind obedience "for the greater good" will be the norm.

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